Products with a purpose “Why”
Hey, I think we should have a bug repellant in our range. Well, that’s not how product decisions are taken at MamaEarth. We first understand what the problem is, then get into the depth of what’s causing the problem.
Inspired by Latest Research
We then refer to our panel of experts to understand what the latest scientific & Ayurveda research has to say about solutions. We have some awarded scientists & doctors who work with us to develop our formulations. Lots of meetings, interviews and research paper readings later, the decision on product concept is taken.
Understood by large Board of Moms who guide us
We talk to our panel of mums to get a deeper understanding of the issue. These mums guide us on nuances of the issue and why current solutions do not work for them. We understand from them not just what they want in the product, but also in packaging.
The testing process for our products is no less than clearing an IIT exam with flying colors (No we don’t make them in Kota). Our products go through multiple testing processes which start with a microbiology test to ensure there are no little microbes forming in the product. Each batch is tested for key toxins to ensure that there is no naughty little toxin that makes its way to our awesome products. These products are tested for stability in extreme conditions to ensure they maintain consistency & character. Then they are sent to Europe for clinical dermatology testing on humans (don’t visualize it’s not what you think it is). After crossing all these hurdles the product comes to you, all shiny bright and super safe.
Stability tests
Our stability tests ensure that our final formulations work as they are expected to, even after being exposed to bright light, heat or cold on their journey from us to you.
Microbial Testing
Through our microbial testing, we ensure that each batch of our products is free from bacterial growth and sneaky microbes.
Dermatological Tests
We ensure each product is tested clinically on the sensitive human skin to ensure that it is not allergic. We get these tests done in European Union strict standard compliant labs based in Europe to ensure that our products live up to the standards we want them to.
For us, this process of ensuring safety is a continuous learning process, we keep evolving every day & keep improving our standards and benchmarks. So while you were reading this, we have already learned something new & probably even implemented it, isn’t that Cool.
R&D based on Latest Research
While we have all the faith and confidence in our products, we still look for ways to improve them and make them even better. We actively review new scientific research which can further help us to advance and evolve our already ‘finished’ product. As the availability of safer ingredients grows, we continue to improve our formulations. We are on this journey together and as parents always want the best for our babies.
Parent’s Feedback
We take feedback very seriously and the families in our community are our greatest resource. After receiving feedback, we make sure that we act on it. Providing better choices for babies and the parents who love them is an ongoing effort for us and we commit to it every single day.

QACs Labs Tested
We are dermatologically tested from Europe QACs Labs known as “The Challenge Testing Laboratory”.
It’s a team of experienced scientists who undertake physical, chemical and microbiological testing of raw materials, intermediates and finished products. They also check for Traces and impurities, Allergens, Preservatives, UV filters and other harmful elements in products. This entire process ensures that the products are safe, legit and of the high-quality standard.
FDA Approved [The Food and Drug Administration]
FDA is an organization responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of harmful chemicals and safety measures. MamaEarth is FDA approved, which means we are 100% safe to be used for babies as well as mamas.